General Service Representatives (GSRs) represent the voice of the group conscience and have the job of linking their group with A.A. as a whole. GSRs make sure their groups receive information and services from the General Service Office (G.S.O.) and help their group stay informed about worldwide A.A.
Click on the following links for more resources:
- Online Registration
- Annual Calendar and GSR’s To-Do’s
- Agenda Topics and Group Conscience
- Business Meetings: Best Practices in A.A.
- Group Inventory
- Literature for GSRs
- Maps
The GSR Preamble We are the General Service Representatives. We are the link in the chain of communications for our groups with the General Service Conference and the world of A.A. We realize that the ultimate authority in A.A. is a loving higher power as expressed in our group conscience. As trusted servants, our job is to bring information to our groups in order that groups can reach an informed group conscience. In passing along this group conscience, we are helping to maintain the unity and strength so vital to our fellowship. Let us therefore, have the patience and tolerance to listen while others share, the courage to speak up when we have something to say, and the wisdom to do what is right for our groups and A.A. as a whole.