GSR Annual Calendar and To Do’s
- Announce that the General Service Conference is in April and that Agenda Topics will arrive in late February
- Identify the process by which you will collect your Group Conscience on the Agenda Topics (i.e. in a group sharing session, by individual email or phone call, etc)
- Collect Group Consciences on Area Motions to be discussed and possibly voted on during the Pre-Conference Assembly in April
Late February: Final Agenda Topics for the General Service Conference are distributed
Late February: Full Background Materials are available
- Schedule a time or date range to collect your Group Conscience on the Agenda Topics in late March
- Select how many and which of the Final Agenda Topics to present to your group (i.e. many GSRs choose 3 – 4 but you are welcome to discuss more or less)
- Invite your group members to attend PRAASA (Pacific Region Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly) in early March
- Collect Group Consciences on Area Motions to be discussed and possibly voted on during the Pre-Conference Assembly in April
Early March: Background Summaries for the Final Agenda Topics are distributed
Early March: PRAASA (Pacific Region Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly)
Mid March: Agenda Topics Workshop (Saturday 10am), includes sessions on how to obtain an informed Group Conscience on Agenda Topics.
- Announce the day and time of your group’s sharing session on Agenda Topics
- Review the Background Summaries for your group’s selected Agenda Topics
- Collect Group Consciences on Agenda Topics via sharing session(s) or different method
- Invite your group members to attend the Pre-Conference Assembly in April
- IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND APRIL’S PRE-CONFERENCE ASSEMBLY: Email your Group Consciences to your DCM or DCMC before the Assembly
Early April: Pre-Conference Assembly (2 Day Assembly)
Mid April: Deadline to submit Group Consciences to the Delegate electronically
- Deliver your group consciences to the Delegate at the Pre-Conference Assembly
- IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND APRIL’S PRE-CONFERENCE ASSEMBLY: Email your Group Consciences to your DCM or DCMC before the Assembly; or deliver directly to the Delegate via Web-Form
- Invite your members to hear the Delegate’s Report at the Post-Conference Assembly in May
- Collect Group Consciences on Area Motions to be discussed and possibly voted on during the Post-Conference Assembly
Mid May: Post Conference Assembly
- Invite your members to hear the Delegate’s Report at the Post-Conference Assembly
- Attend the Post-Conference Assembly and share your Group Conscience on Area Motions at the Area Business Meeting; or email them to your DCM or DCMC before the Assembly
- Report back to your group highlights from the Delegate’s Report
June or July TBD: Delegate’s Report in San Francisco (Tuesday 7:30pm)
- Invite your members to attend the Delegate’s Report in San Francisco in June or July
- Continue to report back highlights from the Delegate’s Report
- Collect Group Consciences on Area Motions to be discussed and possibly voted on during the Summer Assembly
June or July TBD: Delegate’s Report in San Francisco (Tuesday 7:30pm)
- Continue to report back highlights from the Delegate’s Report
- Invite your group members to attend the Summer Assembly in August
- Collect Group Consciences on Area Motions to be discussed and possibly voted on during the Summer Assembly
Early to Mid August: Summer Assembly
Late August: General Service Conference Final Report distributed by anonymity-protected PDF
- Attend the Summer Assembly and share your Group Conscience on Area Motions at the Area Business Meeting; or email them to your DCM or DCMC before the Assembly
- Make the Conference Report available to your group members
- Share highlights from the Conference Report with your group
- Invite your group to propose future Agenda Topics for consideration at the District and Area
- Invite your group to attend the Pacific Regional Forum in September (even years)
Early to Mid September: Pacific Regional Forum (even years), a free weekend conference hosted by your General Service Office
- Continue to share highlights from the Conference Report
- Continue to invite your group to propose future Agenda Topics
- Invite your group to attend the Pacific Regional Forum (even years)
- Invite your group to attend San Francisco Unity Day in October
Early to Mid October: San Francisco Unity Day, a service fair for General Service, Intergroup, Hospital and Institution (H&I) Committee, and YPAA (Young People in A.A.)
2nd Tuesday of the Month: District Elections begin (even years only)
- Invite your group members to attend San Francisco Unity Day
- Collect Group Consciences on Area Motions to be discussed and possibly voted on during the Fall Inventory Assembly (odd years)
- Invite your group to hold a Group Inventory
Early November: Fall Inventory Assembly (odd years) or Fall Election Assembly (even years)
2nd Tuesday of the Month: District Inventory (odd years) or District Elections continue (even years)
- Attend the Fall Inventory Assembly and share your Group Conscience on Area Motions at the Area Business Meeting; or email them to your DCM or DCMC before the Assembly (odd years only)
- Identify an outside facilitator for your Group Inventory (if applicable)
- Select questions for Group Inventory (if applicable)
- Schedule and hold a Group Inventory (if applicable)
2nd Tuesday of the Month: District Elections continue (even years)
- Discuss the minutes from your Group Inventory (if applicable)