Bridging the Gap is a General Service sub-committee that supports that very important first step for alcoholics who have just been released from a hospital, treatment center or correctional facility. By providing a temporary contact, Bridging the Gap helps newcomers make the transition to Alcoholics Anonymous in his or her home community.
—Area 06 Bridging the Gap Statement of Purpose
Want to be involved?
There are a few ways to be involved with Bridging the Gap in San Francisco:
Corrections Welcome Buddy
Join a list of people willing to connect someone in the last 3 to 6 months of their time in a correction institution to the local AA fellowship they’re returning to upon release. Start with reaching out to the newcomer while they’re still inside (usually by letter but sometimes by email or phone). Make plans to meet up at a local AA meeting when they’re released and stay available to answer any questions they have about sobriety and the program while they’re going to their first few meetings.
Treatment Welcome Buddy
Join a list of someone willing to connect someone leaving treatment to the local AA fellowship they’re returning to. Start with reaching out to the newcomer on or before their release day. Make plans to meet up at a local AA meeting, and stay available to answer any questions they have about sobriety and the program while they’re going to their first few meetings.
If you’re interested in serving as a 12th Step Welcome Buddy, email [email protected] and we will send you a form to fill out to join the list!
Bridging the Gap Service Committee
Several of us work behind the scenes to respond to welcome buddy requests and stay connected with the general service structure here in District 06, Area 06, and across North America. We serve two-year terms.
We have four service positions:
Chair | Lead committee meetings. Attend district general service meeting and area BTG committee meeting. Maintain communication with representatives from treatment centers and correction institutions within San Francisco. Manage the [email protected] email address, responding on behalf of the committee to any inquiries, and entering any welcome buddy requests into the Airtable automation system. Assist the first responder when they’re unavailable to make contact with a new comer on their release day. |
First Responder | The BTG first responder receives an automated email message on a newcomer’s release date with the newcomer’s contact info. They reach out via phone call or text message on that day to the newcomer to answer any questions they have about AA and to welcome them to the local fellowship. This service position requires daily access to a person email account. |
Secretary | Maintain the Airtable automation system for Bridging the Gap. Assist the chair with managing the [email protected] email account. |
H&I Liaison | Attend the monthly H&I business meeting and provide an update about BTG service in SF. Stay in communication with the BTG chair. |
If you are interested in any of these service roles, email us at [email protected]
Committee Meetings
We meet bi-monthly in-person on the 3rd Saturday of every odd month
(Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov) from 9:30 to 10am at Temos Coffee at 3000 24th St in the Mission. (Immediately before the SF H&I business meeting at a coffeeshop nearby. Many of us are also involved with H&I.)
We also meet as needed on Zoom on the fourth Thursday of each month from 6:30 to 7pm.
If you’re interested in joining us at either of these meetings, email us at [email protected] to confirm that we’re meeting.
Contact Us
Area 06 CA Northern Coastal | District 06 San Francisco | |
[email protected] | [email protected] | |
USPS | Bridging the Gap P.O. Box 750623 Petaluma, CA 94975-0623 | ATTN: SF Bridging the Gap Central Office 1821 Sacramento St San Francisco, CA 94109 |
Phone | N/A | SF/Marin Intergroup teleservice is available to answer questions about BTG at 415-674-1821 Tue – Fri, 10am – 6pm |
Web | bridging-the-gap | |
Please publish only the area’s contact information on Bridging the Gap literature. The Area BTG committee routes requests for BTG services to the district the newcomer is returning to.
Bridging the Gap – Resources
- Local (Area and District) BTG Resources - National (GSO) BTG Resources - Resources for Newcomers in Correctional Facilities
Uniendo Las Orillas – Recursos en español
Para BTG/ULO recursos en español comuníquese con el comité de área al [email protected].